Bubble Car

"Tangerine Dream"These, like the Sinclair trikes, would have been ok for the roads, if they hadn't ripped up the freight lines and put it onto the roads in 40tn artics...
'78 Triumph

"Oxident"Something Mad Max might have drove if he had his kids with him. Headlight redundancy, spacious and aerodynamic.
VW Camper

"Micro Management"These V-dub busses standing the test of time; noisy, but the rear engine far enough away to be tolerable.
Jaguar e-type

"E by gum"This E-type, found at Skegness, shopping. Features a tow bar & home-made exhaust.
Porsche Sports

"Ve Hav Bays"Nippy little buggers, for when the VW Beetle panda wasn't quick enough.
Custom Trike

"Sunday Chopping"The professional custom build culture occasionally seen & heard, but pretty expensive for a commuter machine.
'69 Daimler

"Soveriegneer"Always a rare sight, the smaller engined Jags became popular for a while in the 70's.
'58 Jaguar

"Le Mans"Another Jaguar, they seem to last, best of all the classic cars. This one winning the 24hr trials year after year.
'14 Ford model T

"Topless old girl"The iconic model-T, helping to bring motoring and immigration westwards to the USA.
'04 Cadillac

"1600i"If a model T got you to Nebraska, & Cheyenne, then this was the vehicle that got to St. Louis 10 years previously.
'35 Austin10

"Austere"Born of the '29 Crash, austerity was suddenly groovy. The Austin10 another name out of folklore.
'23 Ford

"Nickelback"The soft-top carriage had become a proper car. This 1920's New York beastie probably has some memories if it could