Horncastle's Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

Full Programme of Events
Friday, 1st June 5.00pm-10.00pm: Roller Disco At The Stanhope Hall. Organised by Sk8. Two Sessions: 5.00pm-7.30pm - family, 8.00pm-10.00pm Teenagers Bank Holiday Diamond Jubilee Flower Festival At The Methodist Chapel, Queen Street (open daily)
Saturday, 2nd June 10.30am: Fancy Dress & Parade of Floats From QEGS, West St., through the Town Center to The Stanhope Hall 11.00am: Judging of The Parade & Presentation of Prizes By Ricky Valance 11.45am: Presentation to the Winners of the Mug Design By Mrs Gail Dymoke 12.00 noon: Light Refreshments At The Stanhope Hall 7.00pm: Film Show at The Stanhope Hall By Horncastle Transition - "In Transistion 2"
Sunday, 3rd June 10.00am: Diamond Jubilee Eucharist At St. Mary's Church 12.00 noon and 1.15pm: Great British Sunday Lunch At The Stanhope Hall. Tickets ONLY £3 12.00 noon - 1.00pm 1st Sitting 1.15pm - 2.15pm 2nd Sitting (Limited to 125 people per sitting)
3.30pm: Tea Dance At The Stanhope Hall. Tickets £2 Music by Ellen Ely, The "Harmonies Of Time" 7.00pm: Film Show At The Stanhope Hall. Tickets £1 The King's Speech
Bank Holiday Monday, 4th June 2.00pm - 3.30pm: Children's Party - Aged 6 Yrs & Under (Accompanied By Parents Please) Tickets £2 Punch & Judy, Burger Bill and Party Tea 4.00pm - 5.30pm: Children's Party - Ages 7-11 Years Young Stagers, Disco, Zumba and Tea. Tickets £2 7.00pm: Wolds Walking Festival Guided walk through Scrivelsby. Free Entry. Ring 522337 to book. 9.00pm for 10.00pm Official Beacon Licensed Bar, Refreshments & Hot Dogs, Music and The Lighting of The Official Beacon Fireworks Display All in the North Park, Scrivelsby Estate Free Car Parking, Free Entry
Jubilee Holiday Tuesday, 5th June 9.00am - 11.00am: Big Breakfast At The Stanhope Hall, with Scott Dalton Tickets ONLY £2 7.00pm: Proms On The Wong* With Banovallum Brass & special guest appearance by Claudia. Licensed Bar. Bring your own Picnic. Limited Free Ticket Places. 10.00pm approx: Fireworks Finale Courtesy of Horncastle Lions
*Please Use The Town Center Car Parks, Banovallum School Playing Field or Horncastle College DO NOT PARK ON THE A-ROADS OR THEIR FEEDERS
Tickets available from Houldens News Agents Tel: 523555 or Group Members

The celebrations went down well with the public, although the weather was typical Bank Holiday monsoon on the Sunday, Monday and Tuesday evenings. Fireworks could be heard, so folks tended to carry on regardless of the rain. I managed to snap a Photograph or twenty of the Saturday parade, and spent some time over the extra long weekend taking pics of the Lincolnshire Themed flower show at the Methodist Church. The Spitfire flypast was clouded off on the Sunday, but he made an appearence later in the week, roaring over the town. 