The dangers of radiation, United Kingdom Would Discourage free Wi-Fi in schools
Selasa, 12 Mei 2015
The dangers of radiation emitted by Wi-Fi access from mobile phones and other wireless devices are now becoming the center of attention in the United Kingdom. The plan, the State Government will also overtake France's policy which prohibits the free Wi-Fi in schools.
As reported in the Telegraph, Monday (11/5/2015), Medical Adviser for radiation research, Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe says, the dangers of Wi-Fi has become a controversy because it can cause a number of diseases.
"Study of 2009 alone has seen a trend of an increase in headaches, insomnia, palpitations, fatigue and brain tumor, fertility problems and the risk of Alzheimer's and autism," said Blythe.
Blythe said, during the last few years, Wi-Fi, a laptop and the iPad are very common owned school children. But what happens? Cases of illness due to exposure to Wi-Fi mushrooming in Europe.
Jessica Lewis, for example, elementary school children die in 2011 as a result of radiation exposure on the internet at school. "The month of February, the Lloyd's insurance market of London stressed the risk of radiation-induced diseases in the school is the responsibility of the principal," said Blythe
"The problem is, most teachers do not understand the dangers of radiation exposure. When radiation is currently classified by the International Agency for research on cancer (IARC) as Group 2B carcinogen or carcinogenic, "she explained.
Blythe himself hoping the rules regarding ban on Wi-Fi can be immediately applicable in the United Kingdom given the month of February, the French Government has banned Wi-Fi in schools, especially ELEMENTARY-level.
The Government of Germany also have recommended the use of Wi-Fi dangers at work and at home. While in Los Angeles, the United States currently has enacted rules concerning restrictions on Wi-Fi radiation.