The industrial revolution in England UPDATE

medieval times United Kingdom still is an underdeveloped region. The United Kingdom currently has only one important city: London. The rest of the United Kingdom's only rural areas are mostly farmers ' livelihoods as edged. However, the main source of income is from the United Kingdom handicraft wool as material wool is wool being the main raw materials for the industrial centers of Northern Italy in wool fabrics and Vlaanderen.

industrial revolution in United kingdom
 At that point the United Kingdom community needs not so much so that the needs of clothing, food and Board may be filled by the masingmasing family. At the time it was under developing trade. Activities exchange of goods is still on a small scale with a relatively limited area coverage.
It is caused due to one family only produce goods for the needs of his own family. Their production is not intended for sale to others, only to meet the needs of daily living. Behavior like this is one of the earmarks of a traditional society.
  • United Kingdom Society Of Conditions Before The Industrial Revolution

In the 16th century and 17th condition of European countries other than the United Kingdom is always in a State of war and strife. As a result many entrepreneurs and the workers of the industrial center of the Country flock to safer and less volatile. One of the countries that are not too volatile is the United Kingdom. The businessman was largely settled in the United Kingdom. While the arrival of the entrepreneurs and the workers had to bring advantages for the economy of the United Kingdom. It is characterized by vibrant cottage industry (home industry).

Objects that are created by the cottage industry is weapons, jewelry, home furnishings and working tools. However, they have yet to produce goods on a large scale. They just make stuff when there is an order. Through the efforts of these communities is still limited to United Kingdom grew into a community group numbers. The community is the owner of this capital which was later called the capitalists.

The owners of this capital established a new working place with a new mechanism of action anyway. The owners of capital make the building are spacious and equipped with a work tool. The process of the operation of the working tools is still done by humans (manufacturing). On this there are still many manufacturing workers are employed at low wages. This is because their work does not require training and skill.

Jobs in manufacturing are still can be done using a hand and not use the tools. The establishment of the manufacturing has shift the home-based industry which was previously quite a lot in the United Kingdom. As a result the owners of cottage industry started to turn his efforts to manufacture.

The development of the manufacturing industry is very profitable economy of United Kingdom and opportunites of the industrial revolution. The need for the tools in the manufacturing community has prompted the United Kingdom to find a solution. Virtue of many tools that can make it easier to work on menufaktur-manufacturing has been established.
  • Factors which aspects influenced the industrial revolution

The revolution could be interpreted as a change in a fast or a pretty basic changes in a given field or somewhere. While the industry means the process of making ataumenghasilkan an item. The changes that occurred in the United Kingdom in the 18th century was a change in the manufacture of goods of human energy usage to mesinmesin. So the industrial revolution is changing how to make or produce goods that used to use human power switch to power the machine.

James Watt invention was the beginning of the advent of the industrial revolution in the United Kingdom occurred in 1763. Watt was an engineer who came from Scotland. In the course of human history and development, its discovery is then considered to be the first successful invention make working tools with the power of the engine.

James Watt was actually just modifying steam engines made by Thomas Newcomen who considered wastes fuel and energetic child. James Watt later found the capacitor (device to condense steam) so that Thomas Newcomen steam engine to be thrifty. James Watt steam engines continue to improve so that Thomas Newcomen steam engines began to be forgotten the steam engine James Watt and the more well known people. In the historical development of next, a steam engine James Watt was later used in industrial activities.

In a further development. Watts became a motivator for other experts find the tools to help human life needs in providing not merely human hands mengendalkan. The discovery in this period then had mengantarkanm to a new history of the human race. The emergence of the industrial revolution effected by a variety of things, including:
  • The process and impact of the development of the industrial revolution

The industrial revolution had led to major changes in the community life of the United Kingdom order. The industrial revolution gave a variety of positive impact in the field of economic, social, and political science. In General, the impact of the industrial revolution to the life of residents of the United Kingdom, among others, as follows.

The social Field
The influence of the revolution in the field of Industry for the United Kingdom is visible from the increasingly large urbanisation in Industrial cities of society outside the United Kingdom many are interested to live and earn a living in the United Kingdom. As a result of unemployment and criminality perpetrated many emerging and increasing.

The influence of the industrial revolution in the economic sphere is characterized by industrial areas development done on a massive scale. The industrial revolution also affects the emergence of industrial cities such as Manchester, Liverpool and Birmingham. The emergence of the industrial cities is one inevitability when the industry developed.

The rapid development in the industry was not only the quantity but also the quality effect on industrial goods rose sharply. The industrial revolution has actually encouraged the citizens of banar United Kingdom to fix everything associated with the results of their work.
The construction of industrial zones appear in various cities, most people begin to enjoy the effects of the industrial revolution. Residents are increasingly easy to obtain industrial goods and necessities. Entrepreneurs and owners of capital gain that briefly abound.

The industrial revolution has brought a pretty good influences that improve the welfare of the living. But problems arise when land used for industry increasingly narrow and increasingly difficult to be able to produce the raw materials industry itself. The number of inhabitants rose sharply in line with the increasing urbanisation of job seekers.

People who do not have the expertise to become jobless as a result not least of evil happened, crime increases. Aside from the many problems encountered: low wages, poor social security, working hours do not fit plus more then the occurrence of environmental pollution that continued and prolonged.

The industrial revolution led to the impact that drives the social revolution that is changing the community movement aspires to a greater extent people's life better. United Kingdom Government responded to this situation by way of issuing a law human rights like the Reform Bill in 1832, the Abolition Bill, 1832 and 1833 Factory Bill. The reform Bill is Government legislation that contained on the rights gained worker in Parliament.

Factory Bill contains about a ban on the use of the labor of women and children. While Abolition Bill contains about the abolition of slavery. The development has prompted the United Kingdom to become the city with the City State, the longer the more narrow. Entrepreneurs and owners of capital then tried to enter the village and buy a region in rural areas.

The takeover of land in this country-led economic and social influence. Many farmers are losing through employment so they flocked to city urbanization do in hopes of getting a job, the openness of the new jobs, livelihoods are changing from a farmer to become a breeder or breeding of labour, goods, and occurred in the industrial pollution.

The industrial revolution in the United Kingdom brought economic changes fundamentally the increase of welfare of living, especially for the capitalists. But behind the various benefits generated by the industrial revolution, leaving only one problem, namely the lack of raw materials industry and bountiful results industry.

From the above, the problem of the owners of capital and then try your luck by making trade network, in addition to addressing the shortage of raw materials, United Kingdom then look for regions and areas that are judged to have any potential for human nature and can be utilized for the interests of the industry.

It is thought that will be led to the birth of modern imperialism led by the United Kingdom. The characteristics of modern imperialism that controlled the area to search for raw materials, raw materials, looking for a place to invest capital, and looking for a place to market the industry. This objective is in accordance with the distress experienced by the United Kingdom as a result of the industrial revolution.

Since the United Kingdom became the pioneers of the modern United Kingdom colonies, imperialism in Asia and Africa are increasingly widespread and numerous. It can be said that the United Kingdom is the largest country by imperialism, since jajahanya runs and is found all over the world. In order to support the security of the United Kingdom then colonize strengthen its naval fleet.

During this period, the United Kingdom is a country with its unrivalled fleet. Other countries that are geographically situated in Europe many are modeled on the success of the United Kingdom, among them France, Germany, Italy, and Spain. Countries are racing to get a potential colony. The industrial revolution has spawned many benefits to human life.

However the industrial revolution also has led to the emergence of an arrogant and greedy nature of the human race. The actions of other Nations to invade a nation that is the action that is contrary to the values of humanity, whereas the advent of the industrial revolution it departs from the development and growth of the Renaissance and humanism that upholding the humanitarian aspects

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