United Kingdom Government System
Jumat, 15 Mei 2015
Before discussing about the United Kingdom system of Government we have to know in advance the notion of a system of Government system of Government understanding.
Country United Kingdom (United Kingdom) is a unitary State or a unitary state comprising Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the United Kingdom, which has a form of monarchy or Kingdom. United Kingdom known as mothers or fathers of the parliamentary system (the mother of parliament) for the United Kingdom was the one who made a parliamentary system of Government that can be applied for the first time. This system gave the rights to the community to choose their representatives through a democratic election to resolve the question of the economic and social development so that the people's welfare was created.
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Kostitusi in United Kingdom (Convention) is not written in the form of text but dispersed in the form of various laws, rules, and conventions. United Kingdom Government System
United Kingdom Government run by a Prime Minister as head of Government, assisted by the Minister. The Queen and King of the United Kingdom is the head of State that functioned as a State symbol (a symbol of sovereignty, Majesty and unity of the country).
Parliament or a Legislature composed of two spaces (bicameral) House of Commons, the House of Lord &. The House of Commons or also known as the lower House is the people's representative body whose members are elected by the people among the candidates of political parties. The House of the Lord or the High Representative is Mejelis which contains nobles with based on inheritance. The House of Commons has a greater than has the House of the Lord. United Kingdom applying Parliament Soverengnity, meaning a very large power in Parliament.
The Cabinet Ministers led by the Prime Minister. The Cabinet that actually carry out the wheels of Government. Members of the Cabinet are generally derived from the House of Commons. The Prime Minister is the leader of the majority party in the House of Commons. Term of Office the Cabinet is very dependent on the confidence of the House of Commons. Parliament has the power to disband the Cabinet with a vote of no confidence.'
There is the opposition that is run by the party that lost the election. The leaders of the oposisisi make such a rival Cabinet. If at any time the Cabinet collapsed, the opposition party can replace the Organization of Government. The system of Government the country United Kingdom
United Kingdom using dwipartai system. In the United Kingdom stands 2 competing party and govern. These parties are the Labour Party and the conservative party. The winning party in the election and a majority in Parliament was the governing party, while the losing party to become the opposition party.
The judicial body is determined by the cabinet so that no judge is selected. Nevertheless, they carry out a fair trial (free and impartial), as well as decide disputes between citizens and the Government.
United Kingdom as a State entity implementing decentralized systems. The powers of local government is the Council (the Council) elected by the people in the area. Right now, the United Kingdom is divided into three areas, namely England, Wales and Greater London