Have A Devilishly Wicked Time...

People so take for granted their hedonistic eating of other being's dead bodies; the almost nightly or weekly rituals of intoxification; the daily programming & sneering peer pressure...a small vacation away from it all, or one plunging ever deeper, may just stop things from be-deviling you..

Did You Have 2012 Apocalypse and Armageddon Plans?
  creepy bloodshot eyes blinking and winking


The British and US Governments have made contingency plans for zombie invasion: ambient zombie level, enhanced activity level, major outbreak, and   zombie pandemic level. . . Will Horncastle prove to be immune, or is it infected already???
Well, no hot fresh human brains at the Farmer's Markets, but plenty from our rarer cousins..

hog roast bannerzebra, kangaroo and ostritch slaughtered
cute piggies mangled bannerrare breeds killed

Some happier   critter photos

Cute baby deer butcheredgoat's head
burger free range

Have a read of the  Health Sermon if you're at all worried about eating Dead Bodies.
Why would North east Lincolnshire Council have information about   Nightmares? - Just what rates of Council Tax and how many refuse bins are they planning for 2013. . .

  freshly painted red pubsign with black wriggly devil for Old Nicks Tavern

Why did the Landlord of the Old Nicks pub completely scour off all the old paint and totally revamp the Victorian windows through 2012 - to have it fresh for Dec and '13...

A small devil,   The Lincoln Imp, is also the mascot of the city..., what's going on here?

German Luftwaffe Cross Decal
Why do business owners in the town spend their rates-relief on large German cars?

Whatever you planned for 2012, whether it was cowering in a nuclear bunker in Nevada; dancing naked at your nearest ancient stone circle; meteor watching and triffid dodging; playing ping pong with a giant rogue long period asteroid, or travelling to a 9-5 as though nothing was happening, it could all have been ameliorated by a short break in the Lincolnshire Wolds.

  big billowing dirty ash cloud eruption with small plane - 2012 Problem, Holiday in Horncastle!
(Click for 2008 Earthquake Scaffolding album)

Keep up to date with 2015's latest unfolding earthquakes and disasters (and holiday bookings) with
  Global Disaster

A Useful Guide To How Much Daylight
or Darkness, Is Left...
  Beautiful 'blue marble' NASA generated topographical Earth with day night divided and cities lit up
Live Image Looking Down On Horncastle
Refresh Page To Update
day-night divider
(1 deg. in 4 mins)

If we're all still here after the excitement of Dec 21st 2012, the Lincolnshire Wolds are liable to be a welcoming oasis of Peace and calm,
unless   Madame-Bink is there....

Horncastle - Closer Than animation change text

Horncastle is actually closer as a holiday destination
than nearly everywhere else in the known Universe.

red l.e.d electronic scoreboard scrolling sign promoting this site

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copy the code in the box below and paste into your own page.
Then look out the window for the monitoring satellite.

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