South Street
Memorial Garden

"South-treat"The gardens opposite the South St. chip-shop offering a few benches for pie & pea picnics.
More Antiques!

"Antiquarian"George Baker's one of the oldest dealers in the town.

"Larg-ess"Specialising in authentic upmarket victoriana of a world perpetually hidden from commoners - the indoor aviaries, childrens toy carriages, Rolls Royce estate runarounds etc.
More Antiques

"0hp"Perhaps pulled by a hound for the kids amusement, a pricey fore runner of the pedal car.
The Old Drill Hall

"Ahh-cadence"The drill hall folks employing a little of the dealer stand formula, ensuring quality through competition.
Drill Hall Interior

"Get In Line"Space, the final frontier. Although much like a church hall, a bit of space and light allows a better browsing and viewing experience.
Police Station

"Cop Shop"The old lock-up now mainly used for lost property and bicycles, but a good example of a mid-victorian Peeler abode.
Stanhope Hall

"Hopeful"The Town Hall rescued from Council demolition. What level of strangeness is required for a town's residents rescuing their buildings from the County Council?

"Tattyfelarious"With piercings done I feel 'allsorts' of jokes coming on ; the shop one of the oldest in the town, pre-dating the canal dig.
Fish & Chip shop

"Just Maid It"The Mermaid the 'other' chippy in Horncastle, with one on the market. Alot of driveby's, and people picnicking across the way in the memorial park.
South St Financial District

"Off-ices"The start of South St dominated by businesses taking up shopfronts, when the majority of their trade doesn't need a shop window. Solicitors, Pensions & Estate Agents could all do the shopping area a favour, and decrease their rates, by moving to side streets.
Public House

"Drifting"The Ship Inn the furthest sea-going sloops could reach up the Witham/canal link.